Loss & Grief

Art Therapy for:

Loss & Grief
Grief is the human response to any kind of loss such as person’s health,job, relationship, independence pet, or loved one. Grief can manifest in many different ways. As a result, this full-body experience may be difficult to process or verbalise. To mend this sorrow, the expressive arts can create a doorway to the unspeakable by opening all channels to the grieving body.
Expressive arts therapy encourages movement of the imagination that we may struggle with during our grieving process. Our art influences how we look at, unblock, wrestle with, and shed light on the need to distance and detach from our pain. When we dodge grief to avoid, deny, or block the inevitable pain, the arts invite the imagination of these stuck places to come to the surface in images, movement, color, and sound. Our art process releases the tension of grief, allowing it to expand and contract, while providing a safe container in which this process can take place. When we create, we give ourselves permission to examine all that is happening within our grieving bodies.

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